Hotels / Hospitality
Our expanded product portfolio has enabled multiple organizations within the Hotel and Hospitality industry to realize the efficiencies that a proven cash management system provides. Today, Tidel systems are deployed in several major luxury hotel properties across the North America, as these organizations have quickly realized the value our systems provide in enabling enhanced security and accessibility to their on-premise cash funds.
Major hotel properties face common challenges:
- Significant amounts of cash on hand in lock boxes
- Risk of excessive shrinkage
- Time consuming manual processes to count and assign tills/banks
- Significant time reconciling & auditing cash handling operations
- Various cash requirements needed within different departments, throughout the day
- Need for 24-hour cash operations, whereas cash room personnel typically work from 8-5
To address these challenges, Tidel expanded its product line in 2010 with the introduction of an extended suite of cash management peripherals – including those that provide coin dispensing and coin recycling.
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A Modern Hotel is Incomplete Without a Cash Recycler
Jun 19, 2018 A Modern Hotel is Incomplete Without a Cash Recycler Cash Recyclers Hotels and HospitalityThe process of checking into a hotel almost universally relies on a credit or debit card. However, cash still finds itself flowing through...
Additional Benefits of Cash Recycling
Good day and thank you for reading. In a previous blog post we addressed three key benefits that cash recyclers provide a retail establishment. We discussed re-allocation of labor, reduced cash float, and accelerated start of shift and end of shift processes as...
The Last Cash Management System You’ll Ever Buy
Abroad, American consumers are known for being notoriously demanding, expecting conveniences overseas that are available stateside. That’s because here at home, customers can get virtually anything their hearts desire at the drop of a hat, or more aptly, the push...
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